Circular bioeconomy made local in Kera area
Tekstin on kirjoittanut Chris Holtslag Helsieni-yrityksestä. Helsieni sijaitsee Espoon Kerassa ja toteuttaa siellä parhaillaan yhtä 6Aika KIEPPI -hankkeen piloteista. Pilotin havaintoja ja tuloksia tullaan jakamaan blogissa lähikuukausina, tämänkertaisessa kirjoituksessa kuvaillaan Keran alueen virtoja alueellisen kompostoinnin näkökulmasta. The Kera area in Espoo, Finland is developing a cluster of food production and processing activities. In the circular economy there is no concept of “waste”, everything is food for something. Organic materials are used to regenerate natural systems by returning them to the soil to become food for plants again. Energy is used as little as possible and as much as possible from renewable sources. Composting Currently in Espoo most of the industrial biowaste generated by food businesses like microgreen growers or breweries is collected and transported to a municipal waste management facility where it is mixed with household biowaste (kitche...