Spent brewers’ grain as a supplement for oyster mushroom production
Tekstin on kirjoittanut Chris Holtslag Helsieni Oy:stä, joka on kiertotalouteen perustuva, osterivinokkaita paikallisesti tuottava yritys Espoon Kerassa. Helsieni toteutti 6Aika KIEPPI -hankkeessa pilotin Kerassa sijaitsevien panimoiden olutmäskin hyödyntämisestä osana osterivinokkaiden kasvualustaa. Helsieni is a circular urban mushroom farm located in the Kera area in Espoo. Helsieni currently produces oyster mushrooms on a substrate of straw and coffee grounds which are pasteurized for a second time before inoculation with mushroom spawn. In 2020, as a part of 6Aika KIEPPI project Nopeat kokeilut, Helsieni initiated a trial using beer mash or spent brewer’s grains as a substrate for growing oyster mushrooms. The goal was to find out if the locally available spent brewer’s grains would be suitable as a supplement in our mushroom production process. The potential benefits that were identified would be higher yields in mushroom production and reduced need for transporting heavy ma...